Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The Importance of Security

I decided to show both my readers a play that I wrote for the DNA Festival of Very,Very,Very Short PLays and Films hosted by the University of Idaho. The festival is an event where 20-25 one page plays based on a topic are performed. No results as to whether or not either of my plays will be selected but writing one page plays was a fun experiment. I've decided to post one of them.

If you would like to submit a play, the details and submission rules can be found here. This year's theme is "Airport Plays." Thus, here is a play in an airport.


Two TSA screeners stand, facing the audience.

Anything to declare? No?

(whispers in screener 1's ear)

He is?

(whispers again)

Sir, it has come to our attention that you are a homosexual. I'm sorry, but Congress, the President and the TSA have decided that you are a threat to national security. You must go with an officer to be questioned further. Have a nice day.

A TSA officer enters from offstage. He enters the audience, selects an audience member and escorts him out.

Anything to declare?

(whispers again)

He is? You'd never suspect if you weren't told. Sir, It has come to our attention that you are an African American. As such, Congress, The President and the TSA have determined that you are a threat to National Security. You must go with this officer to be questioned further. Have a nice day.

A TSA officer enters from offstage. He enters the audience, chooses an audience member and leads him out.

Ready to take a break?


Well, if we're secure, it's all worth it in the end. Have a nice day.


Monday, November 28, 2005

Irrelevant Church

I have been feeling convicted lately. I have read a few books in the past months that have all seemed to have some common themes. The last of which was Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller. In it, Miller traces his coming of age in his spirituality.

In it, he discusses many of the ways that "Christianity" gets in the way of spirituality. May of his ideas, I was ready to disregard because he often threatened to throw the baby out with the bath water. But, then I went to church.

Something very frightening occurred to me as I looked around at the faces in the crown and sung along by memory to the songs.

The church is completely irrelevant to modern society. Before you move to dis-fellowship me, look around at your own congregations and tell me if you don't see it too.

Even in very good, open, loving congregations, you'll notice that the service is for and by comfortable Christians. We preach about issues that no one is talking about to people who we know will agree with us. We have completely lost touch with the world that we have been sent to preserve.

I think that the biggest problem, is that we have no focus. It's okay that the worship service is set up to edify the Christian. I'm not suggesting that we start gearing our services with the sole purpose of seeking the lost (though that should be a concern). The problem is, that we've made the worship service the focus of the church.

Christianity is something that we do once to three times a week at a building somewhere in the suburbs. It was never supposed to be that way. The church service is supposed to be the smallest part of what we do as a church. The church exists to serve the people that are around us. The worship service is meant to be a time to edify, learn and thank God in between the stuff that we've been sent here to do. Yet, very few of us have given up our possessions, or actually gone out and fed the hungry. Instead, we think it's enough to give a little money on Sunday and pay someone else to do our work for us, then we complain when the people that we are giving the money to don't repay us by filling our pews.

That's not what we've been called to do. We are here to do actual work. We are here to save the world. Unfortunately, we haven't even tried.

So, what will I do about it? I don't know, these are un-thought out ramblings at this point. Will I plant a church? Will I begin to sell my possessions and give to the poor? Will I write a book (of which I already have a couple in the works)? Don't know. I will start and have started by praying on the issue and evaluating my own role in the church and the Kingdom of God.

That's all for now. More later.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I've had this on here before.

So for those of you who have been reading this tripe since I started it, sorry. But I was waxing nastalgic today and found Jordan Lundy's portfolio online. Jordan filmed and edited "The Accuser" a film I wrote in college. He has the last scene online. Watch it here because I'm still proud of it.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Idiots Protest Dead Soldiers...Again

We've been dealing with these retards for the past couple of months. Here is a flyer advertising this mornings protest at PFC David Martin's funeral. Martin was killed in Iraq when a roadside bomb destroyed his humvee. These people think that God is killing our boys to punish Americans for tolerating homosexuality. The church's (Westboro Baptist in Kansas) website is at www.godhatesfags.com. That should say it all.

Some of their other articles from the website:
Thank God for the Indiana Tornado
God Hates Sweden
God Hates America
Thank God for Katrina (Mongerel Bush and his battle of New Orleans)