Thursday, May 26, 2005

Congrats to Jonathan and Alice!

My brother-in-law Jonathan and his wife Alice had their baby, Laurel Whaley on May 20th. Here are some of the photos.

Here is a tired papa!

And a very proud grandpa (now I'm not making fun of him when I call him that:)

And my favorite, the top of Aunt Charissa's head holding baby(check out the new red hair. How would that head look in a pink Sox hat?)

All the pictures can be seen here.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Found a CD of pictures from the academy gun range. Here we are just before a good "smoking"..Or maybe just after judging by the mud holes around our bodies.

A rare moment of fun.

The gross stuff coming out of the slide and the reciever is a Snickers Bar. This recruit had to have a clean gun the next morning so that we all avoided punishment. We helped him!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Drug Links

I know, to many of you, these links won't be interesting but as it is an area of interest to me, I have added a section of links about drugs and drug use. Right now I have put only three on there but I will add links as I find good sites.

Of the three on there, is the most comprehensive. Teachers, parents and cops all should become familiar with this site.

The other two are decidedly pro-drug. I like the pro-drug sites because they offer a unique perspective into drug use and they are often well thought out, intelligent sites.

The first is a site about one of our most popular drugs here in the city and indeed in most metropolitan communities, 3, 4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine, commonly known as MDMA or ecstasy.

The second is a group of popular inhalants in the gay community (very big in the beat I ride) called simply "poppers." Poppers are canisters of amyl nitrite or isobutal nitrite (other nitrites are used to but these rae the biggies). They are sold as tape head cleaner or as room odorizers (curious since they smell like socks). I am told by users that they inhale them just before climaxing and it makes the climax more intense.

There you have it. Enjoy.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Did I Feel Exposed?

I'm going to share a dream that I had long ago and have never been able to figure out. I don't know why I have waiting so long to share it as I had the dream years ago, in the days of yore.

The setting is in the Reynolds center at Harding University (my alma mater). As you walk up the stairs and go towards the communications side of the building, there is an east to west hallway that leads to two separate north to south hallways. Picture a tuning fork and that's the basic blue print.

In my dream, there are two toilets in the east/west hallway on the north wall. (For those of you who went to school with me, I am referring to the hallway where the CP/APO bulletin board was located). There are no stalls or anything, just toilets. I approach one of the toilets, drop my pants and sit down to do what men do when they sit.

Strangely, it doesn't seem at all abnormal that I am doing a number two with people walking all around me between classes until a girl I know enters the well lit scene. I don't remember which girl I know that it was in the dream or even how well I knew her. After we exchange a few pleasantries, she take her place at the other toilet.

My first instinct is to think like a man and I say to myself, gee, I wonder if I could get a peek without getting caught. Then I think, nah, what's more unattractive then a girl pooping. Very few things unless you're a sicko twisted type.

But I can't help to see her feet out of the corner of my eye. That's when it hits me that this is a very awkward situation. Then I am trying to think of a way out of it. People are walking all around me and I am frozen with fear. I can't just discreetly pull my pants up and leave because I am in need of wiping. But I don't want the world to see me doing that embarrassing chore. What do I do?

Then I wake up.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Monday, May 09, 2005

New Link

I've added a new link. For those of you who are from Oklahoma City (with me) it's a good resource for what's happenin' downtown. For those of you from out of town, it's a good reason to visit. That's right it's the Bricktown website.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

I'm No Longer on the Fence

I have destroyed "The View From the Fence" because I'm tired of keeping up with politics and religion. When I have comments to make on those subjects, they will go here.Between the Red Sox and my house, I don't have time for the world any more.

Here's some Art

From Wooster Collective