Thursday, October 21, 2004

Clips for "The Accuser"

Jordan Lundy, who shot and edited my film "The Accuser" has put some clips of it on the web. Check out little portions of our movie by going here: These are meant to display Jordan's visual skill so they are not dialogue laden scenes but you get an idea.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

"I'm a Scientist, I Don't Believe in Anything"

The Title of this Blog is now one of my favorite movie lines in history thanks to "The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra."

For those of you who love the old creature feature horror films of the 50's, beware. For those of you who find those old movies to be like a train wreck from which you just can't divert your eyes, get ready. This irreverent parady of those old movies will have you rolling in the floor. The characters will delight, complete with the apple pie white scientist and his wife, space aliens (that strangely look just like humans and speak English), an evil scientist, a mutant, a half girl half animal, and oh....the lost skeleton himself, as they all try to find that most elusive element, atmospherion.

I hope you can fathom the terrible danger, but hey, "I guess if I didn't like danger, I wouldn't have married a man who studies rocks."

"I sleep now."

Friday, October 08, 2004

Sooner Born and Sooner Bred, I Will Vote what Switzer Said"

Former Oklahoma coach Barry Switzer, held to be a god with a little "g," went public with his endorsement for Democratic Senatorial Candidate Brad Carson today. I guess that's okay. He can endorse who he chooses to.

What concerns me is that KFOR TV Channel 9 reports that, "his endorsement of Brad Henry (Oklahoma's Democratic Governor) two years ago was instrumental in getting him elected." It's okay that he endorsed Brad Henry. I probably would have voted for Brad Henry had I lived in Oklahoma at the time. However, it concerns me greatly that the endorsement of a washed-up football coach can be instrumental in an election.

I have doubts that he actually influenced that many people to vote for Brad Henry but, at the same time, I fear that this might be possible. Americans really are that shallow. "Any man who can beat Nebraska that many times can choose my Senator any day. After all, he knows option football, surely he knows how to run a Governor. Heck I'll vote for Switzer in the upcoming Emperor of the Universe election." Ah, yes, Susan Sarandon, Tom Hanks, Cheryl Crow and Barry Switzer. These are the best and the brightest. Shining stars in a dark sky. These are our countries most brilliant political minds and I shall follow them even to the ends of the earth.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

"I Pronounce you; Man and Man"

In the comments section of "I'm a Christian, Leave Me Alone," a random blog user posed the question, "does gay marraige make your marraige any less valid?" For my response to the question: read the comments section of that post.

Some of you will be outraged. Some of you, delighted. Some of you will think that I'm a liberal, others will think I'm a bigot. But all will find it thought provoking, thought it be brief.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Who Do I Vote For When I Hate All These People?

It's not the presidential race that I'm worried about. To me, that's a no-brainer. I knew who I was going to vote for in Nov '04 when I voted for him four years ago. But my Senate Race here in Oklahoma has me in a cold sweat. The race got tricky for me when last week I saw a commercial trashing Democratic Candidate Brad Carson. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Brad Carson's by any means, but the problem came at the end of the commercial with one simple phrase; "I'm Tom Coburn and I approved this message." So what's the problem?

Let me set the stage. During the Republican Primaries, Coburn made it his war cry that no matter what the other candidates did, he refused to resort to negative campaigning. He produced commercials about his positive campaign strategy saying things like, "The experts say I can't win without making negative campaign ads, but I refuse to be negative." (this is a paraphrase by the way but very close to the exact quote).

I know, you're saying, "A politician lied and you're surprised?" No, I'm not surprised, but fed up. check out the candidates websites: and . The top several stories on each of their "news" sections are have titles beginning with the other candidate's name. On some point in our history, politicians stopped trying to prove that they were right for the job and just starting to say, "Hey, atleast I'm better than the other guy." We as voters have only to chose the lesser of two evils, rather than the best for the job. "I will vote for this guy, because he will destroy out country less."

Thankfully, this election will be over in a month. Then we will get a good seven month break before the campaigns for 2008 start.
