Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Who Do I Vote For When I Hate All These People?

It's not the presidential race that I'm worried about. To me, that's a no-brainer. I knew who I was going to vote for in Nov '04 when I voted for him four years ago. But my Senate Race here in Oklahoma has me in a cold sweat. The race got tricky for me when last week I saw a commercial trashing Democratic Candidate Brad Carson. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of Brad Carson's by any means, but the problem came at the end of the commercial with one simple phrase; "I'm Tom Coburn and I approved this message." So what's the problem?

Let me set the stage. During the Republican Primaries, Coburn made it his war cry that no matter what the other candidates did, he refused to resort to negative campaigning. He produced commercials about his positive campaign strategy saying things like, "The experts say I can't win without making negative campaign ads, but I refuse to be negative." (this is a paraphrase by the way but very close to the exact quote).

I know, you're saying, "A politician lied and you're surprised?" No, I'm not surprised, but fed up. check out the candidates websites: http://www.coburnforsenate.com and http://www.bradcarson.com . The top several stories on each of their "news" sections are have titles beginning with the other candidate's name. On some point in our history, politicians stopped trying to prove that they were right for the job and just starting to say, "Hey, atleast I'm better than the other guy." We as voters have only to chose the lesser of two evils, rather than the best for the job. "I will vote for this guy, because he will destroy out country less."

Thankfully, this election will be over in a month. Then we will get a good seven month break before the campaigns for 2008 start.


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