Saturday, October 09, 2004

"I'm a Scientist, I Don't Believe in Anything"

The Title of this Blog is now one of my favorite movie lines in history thanks to "The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra."

For those of you who love the old creature feature horror films of the 50's, beware. For those of you who find those old movies to be like a train wreck from which you just can't divert your eyes, get ready. This irreverent parady of those old movies will have you rolling in the floor. The characters will delight, complete with the apple pie white scientist and his wife, space aliens (that strangely look just like humans and speak English), an evil scientist, a mutant, a half girl half animal, and oh....the lost skeleton himself, as they all try to find that most elusive element, atmospherion.

I hope you can fathom the terrible danger, but hey, "I guess if I didn't like danger, I wouldn't have married a man who studies rocks."

"I sleep now."

1 comment:

E. Worthington, Editor said...

I'm going to rent "The Skeleton of Cadavra" tomorrow. Have you ever seen one called "Brainiac" in Spanish with English subtitles, in which an alien burned at the stake for witchcraft in the 1600s (??) comes back to Earth with a comet (???) to wreak vengeance on the descendants of the Inquistors, by killing them and eating their brains with a golden spoon? Priceless.

By the way, in my other comment on your site (I read your profile just now) I didn't mean to imply that all folks in theatre are idiots. Just these particular idiots.