Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Cab Drivers: Crazy Since 1935.

So, it's slow for a Saturday and I have to go to Central Headquarters to drop of an impound sheet. As I pull up, I get a message from my young partner, "Can you come by my call?" I waste no time but I'm in no hurry. I don't drop off my impound. Instead I head down Lee, then west on Main then South on Shartel, slowly snaking through the one way streets to go to 2100 S. Harvey. I only make it to Shartel and California when a cab driver comes west and tried to make a left turn onto Shartel. The problem? I'm on Shartel, he has a stop sign and he doesn't see me or the stop sign. So now I have a yellow dent on my scout car and Yellow Cab's insurance owes the city $590.20.

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