Wednesday, June 14, 2006

We All Hate the CHB!!!

I found the Dan Shaughnessy Watch blog. For those of you who don't know who the holy hell that is, Dan Shaughnessy (hereforeto known as the CHB) is the Boston Globe columnist who is credited as having popularized the phrase "Curse of the Bambino" when he wrote a book on the subject. Not to miss a marketing opportunity, he subsequently penned "Reversing the Curse," after the Sox finally won the Series in 2004.

CHB is likely the most hated man on earth to Red Sox fans every where. His columns are generally mean spirited and a little crazy. He's hard to read without wanting to shoot at your computer, probably why the site's tag line is, "We read him so you don't have to."

Here's a picture in Texas I took when I shot him...with my camera.

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