Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Shalom El'ehem!

I notice that it has been a while since I've written anything so I thought I'd better get it out of my system. We are having our first winter storm of the year. As I write, ice falls from the sky blanketing the roads with class cancelling frozen death. Luckily, I had inservice training today so I am not out sliding around in the police car.

I'm getting out of classes tomorrow. It's nearing the end of the semester and I am super busy. I recently turned in a 16 page paper for my playwriting class. I spent the better part of the semester working on it (the bibliography had 18 entries). I was to turn in a ten page character study of the Biblical character of Jaconb tomorrow. It's typed and ready but classes are cancelled. Next week I turn in another paper for the same class; six pages on monologue in the Old Testament. I have the rough draft for almost one half of my thesis play.

And, just because I love to punish myself (and also because it is cold so I won't be running around much anyway) I have started learning Hebrew, which has been one of my goals since I finished college. I am still in lesson one, so I only know two complete sentences. The title of this post means, "The peace (good wishes) of God with you." I don't actually know how the accepted manner of transliterating the words so I'm doing the best I can. I also know the famous Shamah, which is: Shamah Is'rael! Adonai El'ohenu. Adonai 'had. (Note: What is spoken "Adonai" is written YHWH.) That is, "Hear Israel! The LORD our God, the LORD is one."


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