Thursday, December 09, 2004

Wonder Who I'll Meet in Heaven

I need to slow down! I'm typing out book reviews more often than both of you check this blog!

Anyway, here is the latest: "The Five People You Meet in Heaven," by Mick Albom. My in-laws gave this book to my wife but she never read it, so I did.

It's pretty good... I like the idea that all of our lives are connected whether we have ever met or not. It's not a new theme by any means but a profound one none the less, especially in our modern culture of "I'm okay, you're okay" morality.

Oh, the sense of awesome responsibilty we have and don't know it! If we only knew that our smallest action can mean the life or death of another human being.

Anyway, if you have a spare day to read and nothing else to read, it's a good one. If you have lots of other books on the backburner, read them. This one is so-so. Good lesson though. I can go into furthur detail for anyone who desires. Just e-mail.

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