Monday, October 10, 2005

The French Hate the Smurfs

Well, I don't speak French so I don't know what it really says, but I'll bet this Unicef Commercial mocks us somehow.

Having bombed more than one Smurf village, I can tell you from experience that this clip is obviously not actually footage. In all the bombings I've done, the smurfs have never scurried around like that. They are always very quickly in the nearest house and not a soul is to be seen until hours after the bombing campaign had ended.

This is because, after 1947, building codes required all smurf cottages to have a re-enforced mushroom roof and a bomb shelter, due to their protracted war against the Nation of Evil Scientists Wearing Black Smocks.

This clip is fake and it's just one more piece anti-American propaganda from UNICEF. Our war against the smurfs, or as we called them "the blue smears" is just and legal


Chris said...

Oh, it hurts! I wish I could see that thing fullscreen! Jeff, you are my new hero for finding this.

Jeff said...

I knew you would like it.