Sunday, August 20, 2006

May I Please Panic Now???

For some reason, I feel hideous. Then, into the mix came this.

School starts tomorrow and I still haven't gotten the money in to go. I haven't gotten my transfer yet that will actually allow me to go to my classes. My team sucks. I'm angry at the people I go to church with and I'm a lousy writer.

I will spend the rest of my waking hours trying to decide whether to collapse or explode.


Anonymous said...

drugs. drugs are the only answer for you.

Andrew said...

drugs or hookers... I doubt the responder above me though will approve of the hookers.

Jeff said...

It's worth a shot...

Anonymous said...

Billytom54 said
Some days are like that, Alexander. Even in Austrailia. (from judith viorst, "Alexander and the terrible, horrible, very bad day.")