Thursday, August 24, 2006

No October: a short play for Sox fans

The scene is Kenmore Subway Station, Boston. Several people stand along the back rail. On the wall behind them is an enormous picture of David Ortiz. It is an advertisement. Stage left of it is a smaller, framed poster with a picture of the yellow pages and the line "Our Yellow Monster."

One: Friends, we are here to fulfill our obligation. To do what we hoped we would never have to do.

Two: I am here because it is what my Nation expects from me.

Three: I'm here because we have been let down.

Four: Left behind.

Three: Left dreading the winter.

One: A winter which is to come early this year. All hope is gone. They have failed us again.

Two: Since childhood I have kept the faith.

Three: Since childhood I have blindly followed.

Four: I too have followed. I followed them to our Mecca, where I have circled the building and climbed the steps and bowed to its ancient majesty.

One: But they have left us in a lurch.

Two: And that is why there is no reason to go on.

Three: No reason to live.

Four: They killed our fathers and now they are killing us too.

One: Let us sing in one last Holy chorus.

Two: One last sweet song.

All: (singing) Sweet Caroline, buh, buh, buh, Good times never seemed so good. (crying a little) So good, so good, so good."

(The actual song fades in and the volume nearly drowns out the actors voices. The actors join hand and fall forward onto the third rail. Sparks, flickering lights and finally, darkness. The music continues.)

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