Saturday, January 13, 2007

Frozen Armeggedon

Ice isn't like snow. I think in places where it snows, they don't understand this. I think this because they're always saying stupid crap like, "we get 7,000 feet of snow a year. You guys get one inch and it shuts your whole state down."

In an ice storm, no inch is left untouched. All the rock salt in the world does nothing because the ice just melts only to instantly refreeze. And the ground isn't covered with a soft, pure white blanket, but rather a close, hard layer of gray. Ice makes everything the same color. The ground is gray, the trees are gray, the sky is gray. And at night, the lights of civilization bounce back and forth between the clouds and the ice, making the nighttime the same color as the day. Last night brought to mind a scene from Beckett's Endgame.

C: Never seen anything like that.
H: What? A sail, a fin? Smoke?
C: The light is sunk.
H: Pah! We all knew that.
C: There was a little bit left.
H: The base?
C: Yes.
H: And now?
C: All gone.
H: And the sun?
C: Zero.
H:But it should be sinking. Look again.
C: Damn the sun!
H: Is it night already then?
C: No.
H: Well what is it?
C: Gray.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

makes me glad that we just got the snow part!