Friday, January 28, 2005


This was on I have to admit that I think it's pretty cool. However, in the strictest sense it fits my definition of stupid art and it's against everything I stand for. Yet...I love it so much, it may just expand my mind...nah.


Jeff said...

Okay. the more I watch it, the more I must admit, it is art. It tells a narrative story, it evokes an emotional response and it's really cool. It's almost not stupid, except that it ends with an advertisement, I assume for the event the artist is at...

Jeff said...

What?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? Don't post crap on my blog that doesn't mean anything. Now that's lousy art!

Jeff said...

Friekin' Poets.

Chris said...

Rosez iz read - Violence iz grate
Its stoopid libbrull poets we hate