Sunday, April 24, 2005

Welcome Home

Well, we're in the new house. Most of our stuff is too, though all of it is in boxes. Moving day was Thursday, which was the hottest day we've had so far this year (naturally, it has been unseasonably cool every day since then). Please keep in mind that our house was built in 1946 because I'm fixing to give you a rundown of all the problems.

The day we closed, I came over to do some yard work and tried to turn on the living room light. It didn't come on. Lo' and behold, the whole eastern half of the house had no power. I thought I had a major crises on my hand. I messed with the fuses, turning them off and on again several times, each time to no avail. I called the realtor who called the electrician who called me and told me that it sounded like OG&E had a "leg down." He came over to check and found taht OG&E had all legs up. He also found that I had all the fuses off. Turns out, on this old house, up is not on in the fuse box. Out is on...that is, away from center. The top row must be up to have power, the bottom row down. So I had an elecrician come over to turn on a fuse. He didn't charge me!

Then my father-in-law decided to be helpful and replace the plug on my dryer. He was only succesful in cussing a lot, and throwing some things.

The honey suckle was so over grown that I spend about three hours trimming it and all the new growth was so far from the plant, that now I don't have any flowers on my honey suckle. I spent several more hours pullinh English Ivy out fron under my siding so taht it doesn't knock my siding off.

Also, the biggest problem, tonight we discovered that the water line leading away from the upstairs toilet is leaking into our kitchen ceiling. Gotta call the warranty company and realtor tomorrow so that we can get that taken care of.

At the end of the day though, we love the house. It's very big and very nice and very charming. We live in the Mayfair Heights district, which is an urban conservation district, which means we have about 20 pages of by-laws we have to follow to live here. That also means that the whole neighborhood is full of old two story houses which are very nicely kept. I love our neighborhood!

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