Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Story in the Works

Sorry that I haven't updated more recently. I have been working on a story. The idea came to me when I was listening to my wife and Yancey (member of my church home group) talking about my writing style. Yancey had to point out that all of my stories end in death, which, though I would like to deny it, is mostly or completely true. Charissa said that I do this because I "like closure and there's no better closure than death." This instantly got me going because I don't necessarily always like closure.

Then the idea sprang full grown from the head of Zeus. I would write a story in which no one dies in the end and that has no closure whatsoever. The product is a new short story called "Jack in Limbo." The story is about a man who dies in the beginning and is inexplicably stuck on earth. This becomes frustrating to him as he learns things about his life that he did not want to know.

A few of you will get the story e-mailed to them to help me revise but most of you will just have to wait for it to publish somewhere, if I can get any fool to take it. I would post it for you on the blog except it's thirty three full pages long!

I've also been reading a terribly disappointing Don DeLillo novel that maybe I'll talk about tomorrow. Stay tuned for updates.


Jeff said...

Good because I sent it to you. :)

Andrew said...

Hey what about me? =)

Jeff said...

I didn't send it to you. :)