Monday, February 28, 2005

Jesus Snubbed

Surely I wasn't the only one to notice that Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ" was sorely unmentioned at this years Osars? "The Passion" was nominated for three awards but did not win a single Oscar. Above those it was not even nominated for was "best Director" and "Best Picture" and others that it should have been mentioned for.

To me it's just further proof that Hollywood is out of touch with the public. "The Passion" was the most wildly popular movie of the year. It made $611 Million worldwide and was the highest grossing movie in 2004. But since it's the Oscars, none of that matters.

That's the problem with the Oscars. Hollywood people get together and vote who they like the best. Who cares what you the consumer think.

Chris Rock had a bit that advertised this disparity during the Oscar show in which he interviewed people in a movie theatre. Most of them had never seen the movies nominated for best picture but all had seen "White Chicks" and other fluff movies. And the movie stars laughed and laughed. "Oh how funny that the poor proletariat doesn't know anything about films. Aren't we glad we're soooo sophisticated. We don't fall for these lesser films just because they are liked by the idiot public or because they are about Jesus. We're soooo smart and talented and look at my dress."

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