Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Shameless Promotion

Sophocles Screewriting Software has been my chosen screenwriting program for about four years. "The Accuser" was the first script I wrote on it and I've been hooked every since. It's very easy which means I spend more time thinking aboiut script then thinking about how many times I have to hit the "tab" button to get the Character's name in the right place. It also has tons of cool features.

Plus, they just updated and are getting ready to release Sophocles 2005. It will be released on CD rather than by download, like the original. I have just gotten a beta version and so far it looks cool! The Sophocles people have added budget spreadsheets, shooting schedules and other good stuff for independent film makers. Really good.

It's not cheap, but it's not any more expensive then any other professional quality program and if you're a student or teacher, you get it for half price.

I should send them a bill.

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